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Our Mission

Helping you find peace through compassion.

The mission of Halcyon Doula Services, LLC is to serve our clients and their families as they navigate their end-of-life transition. Through active listening, we identify opportunities to ensure meaning in the lives of those facing terminal or life limiting illness by providing our clients with grace, peace, and autonomy. Our compassionate, multi-disciplinary approach provides our clients with non-medical palliative care using a wide array of supportive services to guide them in addressing social, spiritual, religious, and relational challenges specific to end-of-life.

Why Use an End-of-Life Doula?

Without judgement or agenda, a doula provides you with the support and latitude needed to face end of life challenges with dignity and grace. We listen with acuity and are emotionally present for you and your loved ones.

End-of-life doulas often serve as a non-medical member of your healthcare team. filling in gaps as they are identified. We can help you decode "med-speak." Your doula provides you and your family with the realistic communication you need at this challenging and uncertain time.

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